Tuesday, February 15, 2011

I have decided to make a blog solely based on the pursuit of power and perfection. Basically, this will be a blog for me to flatter my complete Ego. This will serve to be both a journal of sorts and a goal orientation.

I do not believe that I have to make any complete introductions so I will leave that for now until my Ego feels some need to. As you all know, I tend to view myself as some sort of superiority, royalty, even at times god-like if you will. And for my bad days, I can be as paranoid and anal as hell.

This is my 'trailer' of an introduction for the time being. I hope that you do end up reading and I hope that if you are too busy to talk to me then you will at least take a few moments of your time to read a recent (or non-recent) post that I have made.

Thank you.